Render Job Reference
type UUID = string
/** * Full url including protocol */type Url = string
/** * Date in stringified ISO format */type Date = string
/** * Should include extension. */type FilePathAndName = string
type AudioOptions = { /** * Audio file name to be get */ audio?: FilePathAndName
/** * Audio bitrate in kbps * @example 192 * @default 192 */ audioBitrate?: number}type Mp4RenderOptions = AudioOptions & { format: 'mp4'
/** * Video bitrate in kbps * @example 4000 * @default 4000 */ videoBitrate?: number
/** * Default is 60 */ fps?: number}type WebmRenderOptions = AudioOptions & { format: 'webm'
/** * Video bitrate in kbps * @example 4000 * @default 4000 */ videoBitrate?: number
/** * Default is 60 */ fps?: number}type GifRenderOptions = { format: 'gif'
/** * Default is 60 but max for gifs are 50 so it would be caped by 50. */ fps?: number}type RenderProject = { /** * Path to json file of the snapshot to be rendered */ snapshot: FilePathAndName
/** * Scale factor to resize final video. * @example 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 * @default 1 */ scaleFactor?: number
/** * Allows cut the left part of the project. */ startInSeconds?: number
/** * Allows cut the right part of the project. */ endInSeconds?: number}type Storyboard = { projects: RenderProject[]
/** * Includes parameters for the final video. * For example, format type, frames per second, bitrate or quality. Check the RenderOptions object for details. */ renderOptions: Mp4RenderOptions | WebmRenderOptions | GifRenderOptions}
type BaseRenderJob = { id: UUID
entity: 'renderJob'
/** * Hash of storyboard project IDs and audio name. * This allows to get a render jobs for selected frames in the UI. */ hash: string
/** * Human readable name of the job. Can be used for the client side. */ name?: string
/** * Id of the user or team who created the job. * For user it would have prefix `user-` and for team `team-`. * For example `user-8715b5d1-0e57-48d8-b826-ba728f0ac0c8`. */ ownerId?: string
/** * Storyboard object to be converted into a media */ storyboard: Storyboard
/** * Date the job was created. */ createdAt: Date
/** * Date the job was updated. */ updatedAt?: Date
/** * Any additional JSON data that should be attached to the job. * It may be useful to add a specific client ID. */ metadata?: Record<string, unknown>}
type QueuedRenderJob = BaseRenderJob & { status: 'queued'
/** * Make a POST request to this url to cancel the render job. */ cancelUrl: Url}
type ProcessingRenderJob = BaseRenderJob & { status: 'processing'}
type CompletedRenderJob = BaseRenderJob & { status: 'completed'
/** * Used to load a rendered file. Streaming is supported. * File URL is available for 7 days. If you need to refresh it you have to send GET request to the `RenderJob` endpount (TBD). */ fileUrl: Url}
type CancelledRenderJob = BaseRenderJob & { status: 'cancelled'
/** * Make a POST request to this url to restart the render job. */ restartUrl: Url}
/** * Before moving to this status Aninix will try to rerender video up to 3 times with exponential backoff. * Only after all 3 failed attempts RenderJob would be marked as `failed`. */type FailedRenderJob = BaseRenderJob & { status: 'failed' failReason: string failMessage: string
/** * Make a POST request to this url to try to retry the rendering job. */ retryUrl: Url}
/** * Job is always created in `queued` status. * Once worker grab job it will move to `rendering` status. * When render is completed then it would be marked in `completed` status. */type RenderJob = | QueuedRenderJob | ProcessingRenderJob | CompletedRenderJob | CancelledRenderJob | FailedRenderJob